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Public Policy Review

Our extensive experience with public bodies enables us to bring a nuanced and practical approach to public policy review and development.


Our approach recognises that clients expect customised and integrated services, and that service providers are generally resource-constrained and subsequently value innovative ways to achieve efficiency.


We also understand the challenge for governments in stewarding the interactions of non-government providers and businesses to support achievement of desired outcomes for clients.


SMK Consultants uses clear logic mapping to design and evaluate public policies, programs and services. We bring strong analytical skills and are highly regarded for our ability to positively engage with stakeholders to ensure their comprehensive input and to build buy-in to any potential program changes.


SMK Consultants is also experienced in conducting wide-ranging literature reviews and case-study based research, as well as deep quantitative analysis.


If you would like SMK Consultants to analysis public policy and how it affect you, or to act on your behalf in the review and development of public policy, please contact us today.

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